domingo, 18 de enero de 2009

The best spanish teacher ever

S: Hey when you forget or loose something, why do you say "se me olvidó" (it forgot me) and "se me perdió" (it lost me)? Shouldn't it be, like, "yo perdí" (I lost) or "yo olvidé" (I forgot)?

J: Beeeecause! As with everything else in this god damn fucking country you don't have to take responsibility for anything that you do. You don't say "I forgot it" or "I lost it", since that would be the truth, completely logical and also equaling you admiting a mistake - three things that doesn't exist here. So here in Nicaragua you just go, "it forgot me" or "it lost itself".

martes, 30 de diciembre de 2008

Just another conversation...

J: Oh my god! That is SO cute, look at that kid selling stuff!
S: Aaww! Child labour is like oh-my-god sooo cute!

lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2008

Welcome to Nicaragua:

...come for the beautiful scenery, stay because the locals have stolen all your shit.

Welcome to Nicaragua:´re gonna leave sad and jaded.

sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2008

What does a backpacker have in common with George Bush?

They're both stupid and no one really likes them.